Country: Kyrgyzstan
Closing date: 22 May 2018
Background information:
FIIAPP is a foundation of the State public sector whose activities, characterised by the absence of profit and the pursuit of the general interest, are framed in the field of international cooperation aimed at institutional modernisation, the reform of public administrations and the attainment of democratic governance.
FIIAPP is searching for short-term experts in several areas of DDR - Drug Demand Reduction (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation), and DSR - Drug Supply Reduction (criminal justice, including law-enforcement, prosecution and corrections).
The selected specialists will be part of a pool of experts conducting assessments, training, seminars and mentoring in designated countries within the geographical scope of the Project (Heroin routes), in order to assist beneficiary countries in the adaptation of their policies, legislation, mechanisms and practices to the best international standards in preventing and combating drug-related organized crime.
The pool of experts is valid until December 2020.
Information about the project:
The Project ‘EU Action against Drugs and Organized Crime (EU-ACT)’ is funded by the European Union Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace, and it is managed by the International Foundation of Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) from Madrid, Spain.
EU-ACT tackles both drug demand and drug supply reduction. It assists beneficiary countries in preventing consumption, as well as addressing demand-reduction policies and practices, in addition to reinforcing the due process-compliant capacities to better address drug-related organized crime, building meaningful trust and networking amongst countries and relevant institutions that will enable them to cooperate (trans-) regionally while ensuring compliance with human rights and the rule of law.
The duration of the Project is four years (from January 2017 to December 2020) and its geographical scope includes selected countries along the ’Heroin Route‘ from and to Afghanistan, in the regions of South and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and East Africa.
Project permanent staff includes 7 Key Experts (1 Team Leader, 1 Project Deputy, 5 Regional Coordinators) and 5 National Experts; and a Coordination unit at FIIAPP HQ.
The Regional Coordinators are based in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Kyiv (Ukraine), Tbilisi (Georgia), Islamabad (Pakistan), and Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania).
Selectionprocess of NKE 23 on New Psychotropic Substances**
The Expert(s) is expected to draft Clinical protocol on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of combined consummation of New Psychotropic Substances together with 3-4 local doctors/specialists appointed by the Republican Narcological Center of the Kyrgyz Republic. This task will be conducted in close cooperation with the Republican Narcological Center of the Kyrgyz Republic.
EU-ACT plans to meet the request of the Republican Narcological Centre in Kyrgyzstan to deliver consultation and expertise in development of an effective tool – Clinical Protocol for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of combined consummation of NPSs, in view of best European practices and scientific developments. The activity – Clinical Protocol may include the following components:
Assessment of current NPS trends and prevalence in Kyrgyzstan.
To provide an understanding of the broad spectrum of new psychoactive substances and their main chemical precursors and adulterants
Definition, classification and description of disorders caused by NPS
Consummation of NPS with harmful consequences
The syndrome of addiction
Types of institutions for treatment from NPS, the levels of treatment
Treatment from NPS
Psychotic disorders
Harm reduction in NPS
Location of work: the expert(s) will perform their work at home (preparation when necessary) and/or in some of the countries in the regions of South and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and East Africa. The first mission will take place in Kyrgyzstan.
Duration of the assignment: the time to be employed varies according to the specific needs of the mission. It is expected that assignments will last from 5-20 working days, not including preparation time. The expert(s) may be required to travel during part or the whole time to some/several of the mentioned regions.
As a result: depending on the precise nature of the mission to implement, the expert(s) may be requested to deliver: (a) assessment of the methodology used currently by Republican Narcological Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic for prevention, diagnostics, treatment of combined consummation of NPSs; (b) provide guidance to the development of the draft of the Clinical Protocol on prevention, diagnostics and treatment of the combined consummation of NPSs, in close cooperation with local specialists appointed by the Republican Narcological Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic; (c) proofread and approve the final version of the Clinical Protocol with the final report on work performance.
Staff that may participate in the activities may include:Policy makers at the relevant State departments; Health / Mental Health Workers, Doctors, Psychiatrist, University Professors.
Estimated Starting Date: from June 2018 on, depending on Project needs.
How to apply:
Please visit for complete ToR **