Country: Libya
Closing date: 31 Dec 2019
Consultancy – Provision of technical support to Cesvi throughout 2020 in order to mainstream a qualitative resilience approach for its protection programming in Libya.
CESVI, international, secular, independent organisation based in Italy, is working for global solidarity in 21 different countries overseas. CESVI is a member of "Alliance 2015" and is recognised as recommended NGO for consultative status to ECOSOC; Further information is available from the following sources: (introduction to CESVI), (Alliance 2015 web-site), (ECOSOC bulletin). An annual report is available, in English language, at:
Cesvi has been implementing programs in Libya since 2011 supporting mixed migrants, IDPs and vulnerable host communities through service provision. This include center-based and outreach protection activities (including child protection and GBV), warehouse management, non-food distributions, awareness-raising activities, psychosocial support, referrals to external services, cash assistance, non-formal education
Since 2018, as strategic methodology Cesvi has been including in its Libyan program the adoption and mainstreaming of a resilience approach throughout its program. The resilience approach aims at allowing each individual served by Cesvi to be not only the passive recipient of humanitarian aid, but also the agent of his/her personal empowerment and the community’s recovery. This concept is operationalized through the adoption of an innovative perspective on how the population in need is assessed and then supported. This approach implies a more holistic way to assess individuals and communities, not only in terms of vulnerabilities, but also in terms of resources that can be mobilized to fulfil their full potentials and enhance the resilience process.
In 2020 Cesvi is expected to manage a portfolio of different projects granted by EU Trust Fund, UNHCR, UNICEF, EU Trust Fund, AICS and WFP.
The consultancy
Cesvi invites Consultants to present a quotation for a framework contract throughout 2020. The aim of the consultancy is to mainstream a qualitative resilience approach throughout its protection programming in Libya, in particular during the following phases of the projects:
I. Participation in the phase of project design and development
Aim: Support the project team in:
· Elaborating project proposals that include a MHPSS component, in accordance with the call for proposal objectives, available need assessments and sector response framework (HRP);
Remote support
- Participation in the definition phase of the intervention (1 working day);
- Provision of technical inputs on the MHPSS related sections (2 working days);
- Development of sessions related to specific activities as requested (3 working days);
Inputs on project proposals; draft of MHPSS related sections; recommendation/guidelines on possible methodologies or activities to be included in the proposal.
II. Participation during inception phase of the projects that include a MHPSS component
Aim: Support the project team in:
· Defining the methodology for reaching project outcomes
· Training the project teams, and partners if needed, on technical methodologies, approach and tools to provide resilience focused support to persons who have experienced traumatic events. The training may focus on how to provide effective resilience-focused psychosocial support during individual and group sessions, and throughout the case management process.
· Developing operational guidelines on MHPSS for operator, including M&E framework;
· Developing the capacity of Cesvi key operators (Specialists, Team Leaders, Supervisors) to train new staff and local stakeholders (CSO, MoSA, local partners)
· Developing communication material on MHPSS for targeted communities;
Remote support
- Project documentation review (1 working day);
- Workshop (via skype) with project leading committee (PMs and Technical Unit) to define the methodology (1 working day);
- On demand according to the specific needs, development of MHPSS operational guidelines for operator, including M&E framework (up to 10 working days);
- On demand according to the specific needs, developing a ToT methodology (up to 12 days for developing a training box);
On demand according to the specific needs, development of communication material on MHPSS for targeted communities (up to 5 working days);In country support:
Conduction of trainings to project staff (4 working days+ 2 transfer days);
Conduction of ToT to Cesvi key staff (Specialists, Team Leaders, Supervisors) (2 working days + 2 transfer days).
Deliverable: Project technical analysis and recommendations; operational guidelines on MHPSS; material on communication with communities; creation of a training box; mission/training reports; training material;
III. Participation at Intermediary project review and monitoring phase
· Conduct regular supervision and mentoring to the trained project staff on the application of the adopted approach/methodology
· Conduct follow-up training to evaluate and reprogramming the project activities in accordance with staff feedback and monitoring analysis (see section below on data and monitoring)
Remote Support:
- Skype calls with the Technical Unit representatives (CP/GBV Specialist, CP/GBV Supervisor/s) to evaluate the application of the “model” following specific criteria that will be set by the consultant/s. The skype call will be organized once a month (up to 9 skype calls lasting two hours)
In country support:
- Follow up training (3 working days + 2 transfer days)
Deliverable: follow up training reports; monitoring scale to be used with Supervisors; Skype call reports.
IV. Participation at project closure phase and Lessons Learning exercise
Aim: support the project team in:
· Conducting a final project review aimed at identified lessons learned and promising practices
In country support:
- Lessons learn workshop with project staff (2 working days + 2 transfer days);
- Presentation of findings and LL to conferences with external stakeholders (1 working day + 2 transfer days)
Deliverables: Lesson learn analysis report; PPT presentation
V. Data analysis
Aim: support the project team in:
· Conducting ad hoc analysis using data extracted from the adopted monitoring tools in order to provide statistical evidences of the impact of the activities and guide the project interim review or the final project evaluation
Remote Support:
- 4 working days for each PSS cycle
Deliverable: Monitoring and evaluation analysis report (Include cost for data analyst if needed);
VI. MHPSS staff recruitment
Aim: support the project team in:
· Developing MHPSS technical questionnaires for interviews in order to support CP/GBV Specialist to carry out a basic MHPSS technical assessment to candidates
Remote Support:
- 2 working days
Deliverable: Specific tools created (technical questionnaires; tools aimed to evaluate candidate’s skills and attitude)
Duration of the framework contract
From January 2020 to December 2020
How to apply:
By 17/12/2019: Interested candidates can request the complete negotiated procedure documentation and application instructions to:
By 31/12/2019: Interested and qualified consultants should submit their proposal to:
Shortlisted Candidates may be invited to an interview in the first half January 2020.
Documentation required
A) Legal Compliance Documentation - Annex A
B) Technical and professional capacity:
1-page cover letter introducing the consultant skills and competencies, outlining research and academic capacities, expertise with resilience approach, previous experience in MENA region and in particular in Libya, previous experience in emergency contexts characterized by conflict/ displacement/ migrants and refugees population on the move and similar experience including type of task, employer, project title, location, achieved outputs
CV of the bidder
List of publications and/or MHPSS guidelines developed4. Methodology proposed to meet the objectives requested in the section 3
C) Financial Officer - Annex B